How to Add a Multitude of Photographs Quickly to product catalog

How to Add a Multitude of Photographs Quickly to product catalog

Photos (and also additional descriptions) are stored in a separate folder.
A simple way to access it by selecting File-About-Open Data Folder on the main menu.

Open Data Fodler
The 'Images' folder stores the photos.

Open Data Fodler - Images Folder

The file names are composed in the format product_id.jpg; second photo - product_id_1.jpg
*'product_id' is the value from the first column in the product list.

In order to avoid adding a multitude of photographs one by one right from the interface of the application, copy your photographs to the Images folder and then rename them to meet the described above format. This way, the job will be done much faster.

Please note that characters ?*/\!|;,'[]<>"; and the space in the file name are to be replaced with '-' (hyphen)
For example: you have an item with an ID 'FX23/1 24lvs' the name of the file should be: fx23-1-24lvs.jpg; second photo - fx23-1-24lvs_1.jpg

The application will automatically recognize photographs copied and renamed this way, and even the restarting of the application won't be required.
Be sure that switcher is turn on

switcher to search the images