Mobile catalog for Android devices.
Create a Mobile catalog Software. With MyBusinessCatalog it's easier than ever!

Mobile catalog for Android devices - smartphones and tablets

android logo Fully automatic creation of a fully functional catalog for Android devices beginning with version 2.2 - 5.x Over ten themes, hundreds photo decoration options Creating and submitting orders from mobile Android catalog Useful for your sales representatives

Application: Publish QR code for downloading your catalog at the office, on exhibition stands and the website. Ease up access to your products and come closer to your customers!

Why do you need it ?
According to Google Corp (owner of Android), by May of 2019 there were about a billion Android devices registered all over the world. 2500 million.

It is reasonable to provide your customers with your digital catalog for their mobile devices, smartphones or tablets.
It is very easy to place a QR code for downloading your catalog on your business card or an exhibition stand.

What does our software do?
The software allows you to create a catalog as full .apk file for installing on any Android device.

Download MyBusinessCatalog

Android-catalog samples.

Android catalog -  orange style
Android catalog -  sage style

Android catalog -  blue style
Android catalog -  black style

More screenshots

Download a sample mobile catalog for Android

Features of mobile catalog for Android
These operations are carried out automatically and do not require any special knowledge: The catalog has been tested on a variety of devices running Android 2.2-9.x

The catalog author's job, as in all other cases, drawing up product lists, adding photos and descriptions. And the assembly of the .apk file goes completely automatically.

As a result, you get a catalog working on any Android device, which your customers can download and browse, and where they can make and submit orders.
An Android catalog would be of substantial assistance to your sales representatives; it allows registering multiple customers and maintain order history.
Contains a variety of styles for catalog and photos.

Supports English, German, Russian, Spanish and Latvian interface languages.

The orders are sent to your e-mail, and a copy - to the customer and is registered in the online order processing system.

See how it looks The login and password are user, user

More on OrderManager
More on Mobile catalog builder
After all, this is an additional new channel for delivering information to customers!


Due to a change in the publishing method, listing the catalog on the Google Play Market is temporarily unavailable