The main task of a price list is to show product information in a compact form.
ven if your range of products is large, you need to glance through the price
list to grasp the prices and other data.
But it functions only if the product appearance is not important or your customers know your products and do not require further details.
You can help your clients by adding thumbnail pictures to your price list.
It is enough to get a general idea of the goods you are offering.
Check out these two price lists - an average price list and an illustrated one.
For the products used in the example we use a price list with two columns.

The samples were prepared with MyBusinessCatalog.
As you can see, MyBusinessCatalog can make both common and illustrated price lists.
But your efforts are the same - all you need to do is to select another template.
However there is a fine line between a proper catalog and an illustrated price list.

It is obvious that the price list with pictures shows more products than the catalog - about the same number as an average price list - but it looks much more informative.
We strongly recommend you to view this page with the detailed description of price list templates.
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